Meet the team

Prof. Dr Agnė Paulauskaitė-Tarasevičienė
Prof. Dr Agnė Paulauskaitė-Tarasevičienė, Main
Project Manager and WP1 Leader,
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr Vilma Karoblienė
Dr Vilma Karoblienė,
National Funding Part Manager
and WP6 Leader,
Kaunas University of Technology
Dr Mindaugas Bulota
Dr Mindaugas Bulota,
Leader of WP3,
Kaunas University of Technology
Prof. Dr Ričardas Krikštolaitis
Prof. Dr Ričardas Krikštolaitis,
Project Manager and WP5 Leader,
Vytautas Magnus University
Prof. Dr Roel Pieters
Assoc. Prof. Dr Roel Pieters,
Project Manager and WP2 Leader,
Tampere University
Vilma Purienė
Vilma Purienė,
Project Manager and WP4 Leader, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Alexander Schlaefer
Prof. Dr Alexander Schlaefer,
Project Manager,
Hamburg University of Technology
Gintarė Šakalytė
Prof. Dr Gintarė Šakalytė,
Project Manager,
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

Governance board

The Governance Board consists of seven members representing the CoE’s partners and primarily oversees the management and control of CoE initiatives, ensuring their effective execution and alignment with the organisation’s overarching mission.

Eugenijus Valatka
Prof. Dr Eugenijus Valatka,
Chairperson of Governance Board, Rector of Kaunas University of Technology
Jonas Čeponis
Dr Jonas Čeponis,
Dean of the Faculty of Informatics at Kaunas University of Technology
Tomas Krilavičius
Prof. Dr Tomas Krilavičius,
Dean of the Faculty of Informatics at Vytautas Magnus University
Dalius Navakauskas
Prof. Dr Dalius Navakauskas,
Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Prof. Dr-Ing. Irina Smirnova,
Vice-President for Research at Hamburg University of Technology
Rasa Verkauskienė
Prof. Dr Rasa Verkauskienė,
Director of the Institute of Endocrinology of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Matti Vilkko
Prof. Dr Matti Vilkko,
Head of the Automation Technology & Mechanical Engineering department of Tampere University

Advisory board

The Advisory Board is formed by the CoE’s partners, who select external experts from diverse sectors to provide insights and guidance on various aspects of the CoE’s activities. These experts bring a wealth of knowledge from technical, scientific, economic, political, and industrial domains.

Private/Public Sector
Giedrius Kukauskas,
CEO of Teltonika Networks
Dr Algirdas J. Lukoševičius
Algirdas Jonas Lukoševičius,
Managing Director & Chairman
of PHL Corporation
Karolis Mirinavičius
Karolis Mirinavičius,
Head of Innovation Development
at Ignitis Group
Monica Schofield
Monica Schofield,
Director of International Cooperation, Head of Consultancy & Competence Development
at Tutech Innovation GmbH
Public/Governmental Sector
Dr Miglė Panasenkienė
Dr Miglė Panasenkienė,
International projects manager at Transport Innovation Association
Simonas Černiauskas
Simonas Černiauskas,
CEO of the leading Baltic DigiTech association INFOBALT
Romualda Stragienė
Romualda Stragienė,
CEO of Innovation Agency Lithuania
Laima Taparauskienė
Assoc. Prof. Dr Laima Taparauskienė,
Director of the Department of Higher Education, Science & Technology at the Ministry of Education, Science & Sport of the Republic of Lithuania
The project is co-funded under the European Union's Horizon Europe programme under Grant Agreement No. 101059903 and under the European Union Funds’ Investments 2021-2027 (project No. 10-042-P-0001).